Ateneo Spelling Wizards

 On the last day of Atfest I attended an event called Ateneo Spelling Wizards. As you can guess the game mechanics, its a spelling quiz bowl where the spelling master gives a word for the participants to spell. The participants can make the spell master repeat the pronunciation of the words, or ask the alternative pronunciation or the definition of word. The participant must answer the correct spelling of the word to earn a point.

The event was interesting since I learned a lot of unfamiliar words. Some words sounded alien like to me but lo and behold they are used and are in the Miriam webster's dictionary. I had a fun time trying to guess the word as an audience. This kinds of events are not only interesting but it gives additional knowledge so the next time Atfest helds another event like this why not try to watch or even better why not join one. 
