Graphic Design and It's Purpose

What is purpose of graphic design? Why is it needed?

if you answer this with a "its a thing that makes things look good." or "it labels things for me" then you only see the value of it as a tip of an iceberg. Yes it makes things look good, Yes it does labels things you need and use everyday, but its not its main purpose, it was not the main thing that people have in mind when they created this concept. Graphic design's purpose is tool that enhances how you communicate with other people. It serves to convey your ideas in a way that is not only effective, but also beautiful.  Not only that if you hired a good graphic designer that produces good if not better graphic design then it gives your clients a positive first impression whenever they see your products and ect. It also sets you apart from your competitors, and it marks your credibility as a professional company or establishment but the most important is that if you hired a graphic designer that produces the clear idea of your purpose and resonates it to your clients then your services will go to appropriate clients and will be able to satisfy their needs.

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