Creating a concept

Let's define what a concept is first.A concept is not a message. A concept is an idea that contextualizes a message in interesting, unique, and memorable ways through both form and design content. How do one starts to conceptualize materials for graphic designing, well there are more than a thousand ways on how to conceptualize for a design, it really depends on how the artist would do it and their preference.

For me I tackle this by first research, research my client's company, vision, and preferences, then I sketch rough concepts on paper experimenting on how elements work within each other then I'll decide the appropriate elements needed in the design whether it needs typography, set of color swatches, photography or illustration and others, then I'll prepare rough layout designs for client's consideration then I'll modify and refine the design if the client decides to refine something on the design then finally getting the clients approval for the design. I place importance on communication with the clients so that I may be able to produce a product specifically catered to their needs. However I always put in mind these principles from Elias St. Elmo Lewis about the acronym AIDA.

In order to communicate effectively and motivate your audience, you need to:

A — attract their attention. Your design must attract the attention of your audience. If it doesn’t, your message is not connecting and fulfilling its communication intent. Both the concept and the form must stand out.

I — hold their interest. Your design must hold the audience’s interest long enough so they can completely absorb the whole communication.

D — create a desire. Your design must make the audience want the product, service, or information.

A — motivate them to take action. Your design must compel the audience to do something related to the product, service, or information.

If my concept design meets these principles then I can assure the client that the product is a success.

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