The good and the bad

To all this goodness and rainbows that I splatter on the topic of Graphic designer career, I can say and you know that it is not all rainbows and happiness. There's the bad too in this career. Well of all the careers existing in this society has the goods and the bads, nothing is in exception.  

Let's start about the goods of graphic design. In this career you'll be able to use the both sides of your brain, the creative and the analytical.One is responsible for the creative thinking and art and the other responsible for the logic, rules and sequences to be applied to the product. You can also work in an office of choose to be at-home-freelancer. Also you can get feedback easily with this career for it is an interactive and communicative career path.Also the last and 'the' good of the goods is that the work is everywhere, many opportunities to choose from.

Now for the bad of this career path, One is that design is subjective, there is a difference on what people think of a great design and their preferences. Another is that editing and changing concepts to cater their preferences can be overwhelming. Also people think Graphic design is easy, I find it very annoying when people assume so. Lastly although it has many opportunities there is a cut throat competition on landing a job in this career, since people wants the best of the best.
With all of this I can say this career path is fulfilling and rewarding, it is only that it's your choice whether you like to go through all of these things or not.

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