What it takes to be a Graphic Designer

A graphic designer should have the skills of creativity, typography, software,web design, and communication. These skills are essential to be able to create a sensible graphic design that will capture the audience's attention.
Creativity will provide the artist/designer fresh ideas and new trends that they could mesh and create to be able to have a unique concept, I find that to boost my creativity I usually observe the scenery around me, people's expressions and ect this provides me more materials to work with whenever a project calls for capturing people's raw emotions. Another skill is to master typography to be able to use the full capacity of letters and text, this provides the technique to capture people's attention in a span of seconds especially for those in a rush, this works well with logos, ads and banners. Another skills is software, one needs to learned to be able to adapt on many illustration/ graphic platforms to be able to produce the final product especially in this age of all things digital. Also the web design skill needs to be learned as I said earlier with all things digital most of the clients one will work with will have websites that is why it is wise to learn this. And lastly communication skill this is by far one of the challenging but important skill since if one cannot connect to its audience, and does not do well on collaboration and sharing of ideas will have a failure of a design therefore to be able to produce a sensible design one must have communication to know what the clients need.
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