New Illustrator Tools

Illustrator has new updated features.New features that makes things a bit more easy than using the old ones. These new features are through and easy to understand.  They improved on what control that they give an artist over their art and what they wanted to do with it. These features include a more updated version of the gradient tool, the freeform gradients, it lets you have more control on where and how you'll use the gradients unlike the old one that relies on the presets they have. Another is the global edits which is the most helpful and convenient especially if you are doing branding logos and invitations, it lets you edit whether the size or color palette of an illustration and it will be reflected to other artboards that the illustration is used. Another is the custom tool bar that lets you customized the tools that you frequent use for your convenience. Illustrator really uped their game on these tools, its convenient and gives more flexibility for artist and graphic artists.  Follow me on: Instragram ,Twitter

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